Why fraction results feature now?
Some numbers simply can't be elegantly displayed as decimals, just like the Pi (22/7) becoming a recurring 3.14…. While infinite numbers like π can't be expressed in fractions, Calculator can still use them in those.
Improved Readability for Complex Calculations
The update will not only benefit users who require quick conversions but also those who deal with more complex calculations. By displaying fractions alongside decimal results, Google Calculator will provide a clearer, more readable output, enabling users to better understand and interpret the results of their calculations.
Simplified Math for Students and Educators
This innovative feature will also be advantageous for students and educators. Teachers can use the dual-display functionality to explain complex mathematical concepts to their students, while students can better grasp the relationship between fractions and decimals. As a result, the learning process will become more streamlined and efficient.
How to enable this feature?
Just type in your equation, hit the "=" button, and you'll see the result in both decimal and fraction forms.
Changelog of the app
Calculator now displays decimal results and symbolic results for fractions or certain advanced functions. For example, 10 ÷ 12 will display both 0.83333… and ⅚.
Download latest APK
You can download the latest Google Calculator APK from Playstore.